I just got out of the shower and am naked!!! Nakedness is super. I bet when nudist colony people come back to society (for various reasons like winter, weddings, etc.) they look at us like we're fools. Clothing is so coveted in our society, and they exist just dandy without it. I will get dressed eventually, but no need to hurry.

My mom lives in a creepy cookie cutter house development commune, and I'm staying here for my summer brake. I blew up my treadmill so instead I went for a walk today and felt like I was tripping. I knew I was moving, but all the scenery was identical, just differently colored. I don't know how I am going to exercise in these conditions. I may just have to suck it up and shell out the cash for a gym.

A horrible pet peeve of mine is a mouse that doesn't function properly. It makes me feel inadequate. Like if I could just move it just so, it wouldn't stick and frustrate me so much. I think it's time to peruse Ebay for a new one. Ahhh Ebay, how I love thee.

"and, you know, she never had much of a chance/ born into a family built like an avalanche/ and somewhere in the 80s between the oat bran and the ozone/ she started to figure out things like why"

(inspired from the soundtrack of my walk in cookie cutter hell)

In other news, I am PMS�ing and am eating like a pregnant woman. On the bright side, I have become more in tune with my body. It is a dangerous thing that today is grocery day. I have a feeling I'm going to return home with lots of bizarre crave fulfilling foods.

I am currently unemployed and need a summer job so I can buy the things that make me happy. I got the run around from a place, but I think their secretary just had a personal vendetta against me.

I have 4 beers in my garage, and I haven't drunk them. Yay for me. I have made a compromise pact of: no drinking alone, and no drinking to help me sleep, only drinking in the company of good friends or at cheap bars, and no more drugs. I'd say it sounds pretty healthy, n'est pas? Sometimes I feel guilty about even drinking in the first place, but then I block out those feelings and swallow the stuff down. I am sensing the need to schedule an appointment with my therapist. Hmmm, she told me to call her once I got settled into the summer. Ok, I'll call her once I get a job. I will also sign up for yoga once I get a job, and also get my elastics changed. Ok good agenda.

I suppose I should get dressed now. I'm reading a great book, though. Maybe I'll just read naked. P.S. Bonsai Buddie frightens me. I don't want him having anything to do with my computer or my internet browsing.

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