This entry is being completed while I am enibriated, so I apologize for any typos. I don't think I can state enough the drastic difference between age 20 and age 21. Ok, enough said.

Tonight a friend of a friends came over and we all went out. I am not a bar person, nor a club person, but we went to a few bars and I had a blast. It turns out that this guy thinks I am something special. Which is a nice change from the sex driven assholes I go to school with, who only want to get into a girl's size four pants. I am not really interested, but to be admired by a "real" man, and not a horney guy, is an amazing change. Sometimes its things like that which make me feel beautiful.

I ate some vegitable chop suey, and man that stuff is the shit. It is all just vegitables in a delicious sauce. I'm sure the veggies start out frozen, but when they're all together in that wonderful mix, all is well. I don't know what exactly MSG is, and as long as I don't, I will continue to love vegitable chop suey. Until next time :)

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