I have been having vibrator nightmares the last few nights. Is that a normal reaction to one's first sex toy purchase? In all the dreams people are discovering my vibrator in awful places, like in a pot of cooking soup. I am thinking I have some deep seated shame/issues surrounding my sexuality.

I have noticed a doodling pattern emerging during classes:

Can anyone analyze this? Lately these loopy designs are so inviting and calming, that I just draw them over and over until I look like I have a problem.

Today I went to therapy and had nothing to say. I'm wondering if that means I am all fixed and no longer need therapy, or was just tired and wanted to be outside. Speaking of outside, it was lovely today.

I have only a few more days then my summer vacation begins. Thank god, I am so wiped. Oh, on a side note, this is a new diary. Will someone/anyone, please sign my guestbook?? I just want to know you're out there. Really, anyone...you could just write in what you ate today, or if you like beer. Come on, throw a dog a bone.

I realized today that I have the same font as the popular diary 'Unkle Bob.' I don't really like that fact, since he was here first, but... I forgot where I was going with that, so I'm gonna go now. Be outside as much as you can. Soak up the sun (but not in the Sheryl Crow way) and love spring.

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