Last night I purchased my first vibrator. I now officially feel like a self-sufficient grown up woman. Is that weird?

My last boyfriend actually bought me a vibrator, but I had a little mishap with it. We moved, and my mom unpacked my boxes while I was out, and you guessed it, she found it. I came home to see it sitting next to my shampoo and toothbrush. After that I just couldn't bring myself to use it.

So last night a couple friends and I went to the 'sex shop' and, after much blushing and deliberation, I bought one. It's pink and white stripped, and really cute/pretty. I felt its beauty justified its purchase, while at the same time canceling out the sin associated with its intensions. (no, I don't believe in sin in the christian sense, but i use the word for its implications) So anyway, I am now a semi/tentatively proud owner of a super cute sex toy.

In other news, I presented a project at a huge academic circle-jerk-esque presentation day thing. My parents came, and even showed up at the same time. They took pictures. Everyone looked irritated, but I think they were just farts. I mean how cute are parents who still take pictures of their daughter's projects in college?

Ok, bye for now.

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