I was so excited because I thought I got banner views with my gold membership. So I made one, and was all proud of myself, only to find that nope. Sorry, I must have one whole year of membership to get some. Fuck, I can't even commit to a nail polish for two days, how can I commit myself to a year of gold? I could be dead then, or rich and on a world tour displaying whatever I got rich off of. The possibilities are limitless.

Speaking of dead, I almost died last month for real (no added drama for the sake of attempting to prove a point). I was actually hit by a drunk driver going 100mph on the highway. I walked out of the car without a scratch on my grateful little body. Yay, I am a miracle. Just kidding, but isn't that neat?

Ok so I need to get something off my chest. I used to love this boy, Cameron. He is 7 months and 2 days older than I am, and sexy as all fuck. I loved him. My very first, and currently the last, love in my life so far. I mean I obsessed over him. We basically obsessed over eachother. So as time flew by, he changed, and in changing tore me on the inside, which left me in a position to either choose him or my sanity. I chose sanity. So here I am months and months and months later with residual dreams sneaking up here and there every now and then. Recently I got back in contact with him, and guess what he tells me. He says he's gay. SO what the fuck do I feel now?

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