Hi Diaryland!

Hey man, where have you been?

Oh, sorry I didn't tell you, but I took a break. I had an OCD attack with writing on Dland over the summer so I had to stop until my normal routine began once again.


Like my Barbie theme?

Yeah, it's a little cliche. And creepy.

Constructive Criticism taken and noted.

Are you going to write a real entry now? Yes.


I am going to go to my first official women's pro-choice march. I am so excited. I am finally political.

School has restarted, and it is my last year as a freeloading undergraduate. I shall miss these years. RE: THIS DOES NOT IMPLY THAT I BELIEVE THAT "THESE YEARS ARE THE BEST YEARS OF MY LIFE." If one more person says that to me I am going to live in the Netherlands of some very fortunate boy.

So speaking of boys, I'd like to have a boyfriend this year. That is one of my personal goals. One reason is that I would enjoy the companionship and the sex. Another is that I'd like to sleep in someone's bed, and wake up with them. Another is that I would like to engage in sexual acts with them. Wait, did I already say that? Whatever, I think it would be swell. Haha, I think I am so funny.

So I got these snails, and they're about this big '. They are great. They slime around my tank all day, and have snail babies about one an hour. I can just feel my room teaming with the miracle of life. It must be good chi. One is named Speedy, cause it is the fastest snail I have ever seen, the other is Twinkle, cause my friend named it, another is named Prodigal, cause it was missing for a while, and the newest baby that has grown the most is Closet. Also sharing the tank space is a guppy named Allison. She poops a lot. It reminds me of that gymnastics routine with the ribbons when she swims.

I have had a headache for 2 days. I don't think it's a migraine, but it is annoying.

I really really like this diary: http://heidiann.diaryland.com . She is awesome and funny and super. I don't read a whole lot of diaries, but she is my ideal diaryist and sex-positive feminist.

On that note, bye bye.

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