OK, ok. So I haven't taken my meds in a while. So maybe that's why I had an attack of the bitch whore. Sigh. Just when I think I can live a life without those pills, I go off them and lose myself. I guess it's better than a life of drowning in frustration.

I have already decided upon a way to tell my some day kids why mommy takes pills all the time. It is going to be a wonderful tale of good brain chemicals, and happiness, and having medecine tell those chemicals where to go. Fuck, I should publish that shit. That way former crazy parents all over the world can read to their children a fairytale explanation of why mommy or daddy eats medecine like they eat candy. I see Disney in my future. "Finding Welbutrin."

But anyways, If I can just stick to it, I won't keep having the relapses, and I won't feel like telling everyone I look at that I am sorry, really truely sorry.

I came upon a twenty something white kid revelation today, on why I think the 9 to 5 work world sucks. Putting aside my papmered all american priveleges atmosphere, I find it sad that we are confined within a society where our time and lives are structured. It may be 2003, but the more I think about it, it seems 1984. We get our weekends, our two weeks vacation a year, holidays, and sick days. Who decided this? Who created this system where I will one day come home from work, pick up my kids from daycare, cook dinner, and let out a long tired sigh? I'm too young to be resigned to this, I know. And it's not as bad as it seems, I know. And I am entering a field which I truely enjoy, I know. But still. Who came up with these boxes we function in?

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