Today I started two new things. My new job, and yoga. Well, technically my yoga class isn't until tonight, and I've only begun job training. Details, details.... I need to be paid! I can no longer bathe in the money frivolity that I used to, and I am sad for that. On my list of things to get when funds are available are an atomic clock, a new state-of-the-art hair straightener, a small stereo, and some wood to make a table. Oh, also beads and clothes. And gas. Oh, and I have to pay for yoga. But, really, I don't ask for that much.

Do you ever go on IM and see someone you want to talk to really bad, but because of the fucked up relationship between you, you have to wait for them to IM you first? Particularly when it is someone that was an ex, or you have a crush on? Does that ever happen to other mature AIM users out there? I dislike that strongly. I am trying to eliminate the word 'hate' from my vocabularly, because I use it too much and don't like my communication to be laced with such negativity. In addition, I am trying to replace the juvenile 'like' with the less irritating 'umm', so when I talk it will sound like I my head is full of thought instead of air.

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