I bought thongs! I loooove thongs. Which is odd, cause no one else I know actually likes them. But they make me feel naked! It's as close to commando I can be, and still be comfortably in undies.

My friends who do wear thongs wear them for their boyfriends (or girlfriends). I just wear them cause I love them. Same reason I shave. I don't have a boyfriend, but I prefer to be completely shaved "down there." It bothers me when people find out and say "But you don't have a boyfriend...why would you voluntarily shave?" Come on people, have we not all seen the Vagina Monologues (or read it)? Shaving for a demanding partner isn't cool. The VM's also say that to love vaginas you have to love hair, but I disagree. I am very pro-vagina, but I prefer to be without any hair associated with that body area. I don't feel it makes me any less feminist. I feel like it makes me comfortable in my own body.

However, I have noticed that the predominant theme in porn movies is the shaved vagina, or little hair design topiary. For some reason that bothers me. It just hits me wrong. It seems that it's setting an even more unrealistic image of women. Women don't come pre-waxed. Or pre-implanted. Hair is natural, and in leaving it out of porn, I feel the manufacturers are sending the message that pubic hair is un-sexy. I mean, even the men are shaved in some of them (don't ask me how I know...I asked around). I dunno, I guess the pubic hair phenomenon is up in the air.

I will spare you the rant of how women are used as sperm suppositories and nothing more in porn. Because I don't want to overwhelm you with the ferocity of my opinions on that subject, when I just meant to talk about underwear. Even if I think porn is cool, but totally ruined when women are fucked like inferior animals. Nope, I'm not gonna talk about that.

But on another note, it is still raining. It's like we're a teeny tiny planet on a rhododendron plant that it being over-watered with a gigantic watering can. I love rain, it's great, but the clouds are starting to permeate the effects of my happy pills, and making me morose.

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