Does anyone else find Middle School kids mildly terrifying? I think I do. For the past year I have been a volunteer school-social-worker-person at an inner city school, and today I chaperoned one of their fieldtrips. If you thought "The Ring" was scary, try telling a group of middle school boys to sit down and stop throwing shit out of a moving bus window when you�re a young, white college girl. I might as well have asked them to engage in an Ani Difranco sing along. In other words, they did not heed my suggestions. In fact, I am quite sure they laughed at me. Sometimes I look at our cultural differences and I am amazed that the kids I counsel even talk to me, let alone like me. Other times I think �what the fuck, we�re both people� and wonder why we can't find some bridgeable middle ground.

This is the current background on my computer's desktop:

I really like eyes. No, it is not a fetish. I just find them to be inherently aesthetically pleasing to me. They're very spiritual. I know you�ve heard that quote, but I guess things are clich� for a reason. Yay eyes.

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